Daily Sagittarius Horoscope February 07 (07/02)


Now 22 − Dec 21

Alias: Alias: The Archer

February 07


daily sagittarius horoscope:

summary sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

You might be aware of a wave of pressure coming from certain others to raise the bar where your aspirations are concerned, particularly on the career front. You might feel others want or demand more from you than youre giving but rather than become resentful to this pressure, try to accept they might have a point. If your methods are deeply entrenched in a comfort zone, then perhaps it is time to remove yourself from it. Ultimately, one person will benefit from you doing so you!


summary sagittarius tomorrow

Star 7/10

A conflict of interests that has likely raised its head more than once recently could continue in full force now but it is possible to look or dig a bit deeper to get to the real crux of the issue and put it to rest for good. This is likely to require you speaking up in ways you might have felt unable to, especially if an authority figure is involved. Just because they enjoy a certain status doesnt mean theyre indisputably right but be aware of right and wrong ways to highlight this!


summary sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

The coming week brings a helpful and potentially timely link between Mercury and Saturn. This could bring a moment of clarity surrounding a situation youve simply agreed with or supported without questioning why. It might become clear how focused on fulfilling someone elses needs youve become that youve forgotten to acknowledge a few of your own. You dont need to continue supporting a situation that doesnt suit you. Allow coming events to free you from this.


summary sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

From as early as the 3rd, something delightful can occur in your love life as Venus joins Mars in your solar sector of true love and creativity to work in tandem to bring heartwarming developments. A Lunar Eclipse on the 10th encourages you to broaden your mind, through an educational pursuit, travel or maybe both. Its the Solar Eclipse on the 26th that brings a delightful and timely shift where something connected with your home or a family member is concerned.


health sagittarius daily

Star 10/10

Keeping yourself in good shape is one of the things you can really be proud of. Your health is the sum total of all the time you put into keeping fit, eating right and staying out of harms way. Dedicate yourself to this noble effort now. Favor doing for yourself over doing for others when it comes to your health. What you do for yourself in regard to your own health will go much further than anything you can do for someone else.


health sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

You may find yourself obsessing on something that doesnt matter today. Stick to your healthy habits during this distraction, and when push comes to shove, stand firm about your health! We all feel out of control once in a while. Remind yourself that you are not perfect, nobody whos anybody expects you to be perfect, and you are not aiming for perfection! If this doesnt help quell the obsessive thinking, try getting to bed early and trying again tomorrow!


health sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

This is a very boisterous and upbeat time in which there isnt too much to stop you from making progress. You might be doing more socializing, so give your body a chance to recuperate. There is plenty of excitement around, so try and pace yourself.


health sagittarius monthly

Star 10/10

With Venus, your health planet, dancing into lively Aries on February 3, you might go all out to enjoy yourself. This liberating blend of energies can lower stress and leave you feeling relaxed and much more upbeat. Taking time out for fun activities, competitive sport, moving your body, and getting active is very important for you in the weeks ahead. Recent weeks may have been a more meditative and reflective period, and now its time to get out and about. Dont worry so much about diet and exercise. Just love life instead.


love sagittarius daily

Star 7/10

The astral energy liberates you from some of the trying times you have been through recently. If you have the chance to go out to a party, then make it a priority, as the conversation and wonderful atmosphere will do much to cheer your spirits. If you are dating someone new, then you will have a great evening, with just the kind of conversation you enjoy.


love sagittarius tomorrow

Star 10/10

You may feel laid-back and relaxed enough to be able to share with your new partner just how much you appreciate them. If you are already in a permanent relationship, then take the time to do something special for a loved one that will really make them smile. Talk to them in a way that makes them understand how much you want them.


love sagittarius weekly

Star 9/10

Look at the positives in your love life. Februarybe everything isnt going according to your perfect plan, but is it really that bad? If you take all things into consideration, theres probably plenty to smile about. Fate and destiny are on your side over the weekend, and you see signs everywhere pointing you in the right direction. Love could be around the very next corner.


love sagittarius monthly

Star 9/10

Your love life heats up when Venus enters like-minded Aries on February 3. The passion you feel cant be denied, so why not just admit to it already? As soon as you do, you can take the next step. A trying Mars/Pluto square on February 22 stirs up old feelings, and before you know it youre checking out an exs social media account or driving by their house. Do you really want to go backward? Sometimes the past is best left alone. Mercury enters deeply emotional Pisces on February 25, and you might begin to question some recent romantic decisions. Dont let your daydreams obscure reality.


career sagittarius daily

Star 9/10

With all the fast-paced energy coming your way lately, it has been hard for you to stop and plan. Now is the time to put on the brakes and consult the map. Consider where you are going before you put the pedal to the metal and drive aimlessly.


career sagittarius tomorrow

Star 8/10

You will be scolded by a fellow co-worker or employer today for being a bit too reckless. Dont try to argue your way out of the situation, because this will only make the conflict worse. Most likely, the person you are doing battle with is right.


career sagittarius weekly

Star 8/10

This is a strong period for legal matters, contracts, and other agreements. You can be very diplomatic, but at the same time you wont forget your personal bottom line. This is a great time for being recognized and expanding your customer base. If you need something, dont hesitate to ask for it. Do your best to avoid being judgmental in a situation or relationship that isnt working out the way youd like.


career sagittarius monthly

Star 8/10

A Lunar Eclipse on February 10 could mark the end of a rigorous travel schedule. Although youve enjoyed getting paid to visit different places on the map, youll be excited to stay in one spot for an extended period of time. Use this opportunity to catch up with friends and family. Having a supportive social network will advance your career success. A Solar Eclipse on February 26 might prompt you to shift your base of operations to home. Working from your own space will dramatically increase your productivity. It will also help you avoid toxic colleagues who have a way of sapping your energy.



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