Daily Taurus Horoscope May 17 (17/05)


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

May 17


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 9/10

You might be painfully aware of how progress you want or need to make in a certain area relies on input, support or cooperation from others and its the way they appear to be taking something less seriously than you that might be a source of frustration now. Resolving this will require you to speak up and make certain thoughts or feelings known. No matter how you slice it, problems arising now are likely to be the result of assumption being made that needs to be removed.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

You could have several options surrounding how you should respond to others. One part of you wants to lay down the law and dictate whats going to change and how things are going to be from now on whilst another wants to apply a softly-softly approach that doesnt rock boats. For now, believe yourself to be a component of a much bigger process that doesnt require you to take initiative in ways you feel you should. Your biggest headache is about to resolve itself.


summary taurus weekly

Star 9/10

Developments this week could encourage second thoughts about something you felt certain of not so long ago. Where you might have been looking into a situation previously, its by putting yourself in the thick of it that youre able to see what it really consists of or offers. Whilst you might have reservations about what youre seeing now, dont be too quick to decide you dont like what you see. What youre experiencing is a turning point, not a setback. Allow a bit more time for this to become clearer and it will become clearer.


summary taurus monthly

Star 9/10

A moment of clarity is on offer as May commences. Expect to become aware of how negative energy or a defeatist attitude havent helped your productiveness in a particular area in recent weeks. Feeling more involved with or integral to a plan or project might require a clearing of the air but this has likely been long overdue. The month ends with a New Moon that wants to help you to boost your earnings or income. Its time to put at least one money-making idea into action!


health taurus daily

Star 7/10

Today\s planetary aspect provides guidance for your dreams. If you have an Aquarian friend or acquaintance, it might be a good idea to approach them. They will likely understand where you are coming from, and provide you with some inspiration. Remember to offer what you are asking for. If you need some help with motivation, for example, explain what prompted you to confide in them; this will motivate that person to help you and you will get what you want out of the relationship.


health taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

Coming full circle gives you a sense of accomplishment. Notice the things that you have accomplished and you will inevitably see the pattern of ending up where you started but with greater self-awareness. Caring for yourself and your body is a way of constantly adapting to change while greeting \"the new\" optimistically. Our diet is our best prevention against disease, exercise our best weapon against depression, and good sleep our best way to feel truly centered. Concentrate on developing these skills to the fullest.


health taurus weekly

Star 9/10

You may be under pressure to deliver work on a deadline. You\ll find it easier to cope if you can slow down and relax. When you work, you really work, and sometimes you find it hard to switch gears. But this is the key to creating a healthy life balance. When you leave work for the day, think about pleasant things and take it easy!


health taurus monthly

Star 9/10

Jupiter\s presence in your lifestyle sector continues to be a positive force so long as you don\t overindulge. Enjoying a few creamy treats now and then is perfectly OK, but there could be a tendency to make a habit of it around May 19, when friends could persuade you to forgo your diet and eat a hearty meal. And it may not be just once! You could also find that you need to exercise regularly to sleep better. Mercury\s link with Uranus in a quieter section of your chart could make it hard to drop off even if you\re tired. Exercise can remedy this.


love taurus daily

Star 8/10

It will help you to stick firmly to your inner feeling about a certain relationship, and to refuse to be dissuaded from taking the course of action that you know is best. The current astral configuration indicates you have considered the issue deeply, and are even willing to admit that you could be wrong, yet a persistent hunch has become too overpowering. Listen to what it is telling you.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

The planetary configuration brings some sunshine into your love life and assures you that all is well between you and your love interest. You are safe to express your joy that they are your partner (current or prospective), and to suggest you go out somewhere interesting and entertaining just to have some fun. You will feel happy to share some of your deeper feelings, and they will appreciate this also.


love taurus weekly

Star 10/10

Have you ever noticed that the more you talk about something, the more you want to do it? Let other people know you aren\t all talk at the start of the week - you\re actually ready for some action! You\ve been pondering a love-related decision for a while now, and the end of the week is a great time to make your final choice. It\s nice to be confident enough not to second-guess yourself.


love taurus monthly

Star 9/10

The Taurus Sun/Pluto trine on May 9 puts you on a determined path toward passion. With this much confidence, it\s only a matter of time before you get exactly what you want. Communicative Mercury spends time in Taurus beginning May 16, illuminating some realities that you\ve wanted to keep in the background in the past. You aren\t avoiding things. It\s just that you think there are much better things to focus on. The Sun leaves Taurus on May 20, and its next stop, Gemini, can offer a much-needed break from focusing so intensely on one person. There are plenty of fish in the sea!


career taurus daily

Star 9/10

Today you might have a lot of items on your to-do-list. Although some will be pleasant ones - others may not be but nonetheless you could have some difficulties getting them all out of the way. You might have to put some off until another day. Go with the flow!


career taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today you could be handling some powerful, assertive personalities in your workplace. You might need to be extra patient with anyone who is trying to push your buttons! A gentle but firm posture will soon encourage them to tone it down, and then you can get things done!


career taurus weekly


Apr 20 − May 20

Alias: Alias: The Bull

May 17


daily taurus horoscope:

summary taurus daily

Star 9/10

You might be painfully aware of how progress you want or need to make in a certain area relies on input, support or cooperation from others and its the way they appear to be taking something less seriously than you that might be a source of frustration now. Resolving this will require you to speak up and make certain thoughts or feelings known. No matter how you slice it, problems arising now are likely to be the result of assumption being made that needs to be removed.


summary taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

You could have several options surrounding how you should respond to others. One part of you wants to lay down the law and dictate whats going to change and how things are going to be from now on whilst another wants to apply a softly-softly approach that doesnt rock boats. For now, believe yourself to be a component of a much bigger process that doesnt require you to take initiative in ways you feel you should. Your biggest headache is about to resolve itself.


summary taurus weekly

Star 9/10

Developments this week could encourage second thoughts about something you felt certain of not so long ago. Where you might have been looking into a situation previously, its by putting yourself in the thick of it that youre able to see what it really consists of or offers. Whilst you might have reservations about what youre seeing now, dont be too quick to decide you dont like what you see. What youre experiencing is a turning point, not a setback. Allow a bit more time for this to become clearer and it will become clearer.


summary taurus monthly

Star 9/10

A moment of clarity is on offer as May commences. Expect to become aware of how negative energy or a defeatist attitude havent helped your productiveness in a particular area in recent weeks. Feeling more involved with or integral to a plan or project might require a clearing of the air but this has likely been long overdue. The month ends with a New Moon that wants to help you to boost your earnings or income. Its time to put at least one money-making idea into action!


health taurus daily

Star 7/10

Today\s planetary aspect provides guidance for your dreams. If you have an Aquarian friend or acquaintance, it might be a good idea to approach them. They will likely understand where you are coming from, and provide you with some inspiration. Remember to offer what you are asking for. If you need some help with motivation, for example, explain what prompted you to confide in them; this will motivate that person to help you and you will get what you want out of the relationship.


health taurus tomorrow

Star 8/10

Coming full circle gives you a sense of accomplishment. Notice the things that you have accomplished and you will inevitably see the pattern of ending up where you started but with greater self-awareness. Caring for yourself and your body is a way of constantly adapting to change while greeting \"the new\" optimistically. Our diet is our best prevention against disease, exercise our best weapon against depression, and good sleep our best way to feel truly centered. Concentrate on developing these skills to the fullest.


health taurus weekly

Star 9/10

You may be under pressure to deliver work on a deadline. You\ll find it easier to cope if you can slow down and relax. When you work, you really work, and sometimes you find it hard to switch gears. But this is the key to creating a healthy life balance. When you leave work for the day, think about pleasant things and take it easy!


health taurus monthly

Star 9/10

Jupiter\s presence in your lifestyle sector continues to be a positive force so long as you don\t overindulge. Enjoying a few creamy treats now and then is perfectly OK, but there could be a tendency to make a habit of it around May 19, when friends could persuade you to forgo your diet and eat a hearty meal. And it may not be just once! You could also find that you need to exercise regularly to sleep better. Mercury\s link with Uranus in a quieter section of your chart could make it hard to drop off even if you\re tired. Exercise can remedy this.


love taurus daily

Star 8/10

It will help you to stick firmly to your inner feeling about a certain relationship, and to refuse to be dissuaded from taking the course of action that you know is best. The current astral configuration indicates you have considered the issue deeply, and are even willing to admit that you could be wrong, yet a persistent hunch has become too overpowering. Listen to what it is telling you.


love taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

The planetary configuration brings some sunshine into your love life and assures you that all is well between you and your love interest. You are safe to express your joy that they are your partner (current or prospective), and to suggest you go out somewhere interesting and entertaining just to have some fun. You will feel happy to share some of your deeper feelings, and they will appreciate this also.


love taurus weekly

Star 10/10

Have you ever noticed that the more you talk about something, the more you want to do it? Let other people know you aren\t all talk at the start of the week - you\re actually ready for some action! You\ve been pondering a love-related decision for a while now, and the end of the week is a great time to make your final choice. It\s nice to be confident enough not to second-guess yourself.


love taurus monthly

Star 9/10

The Taurus Sun/Pluto trine on May 9 puts you on a determined path toward passion. With this much confidence, it\s only a matter of time before you get exactly what you want. Communicative Mercury spends time in Taurus beginning May 16, illuminating some realities that you\ve wanted to keep in the background in the past. You aren\t avoiding things. It\s just that you think there are much better things to focus on. The Sun leaves Taurus on May 20, and its next stop, Gemini, can offer a much-needed break from focusing so intensely on one person. There are plenty of fish in the sea!


career taurus daily

Star 9/10

Today you might have a lot of items on your to-do-list. Although some will be pleasant ones - others may not be but nonetheless you could have some difficulties getting them all out of the way. You might have to put some off until another day. Go with the flow!


career taurus tomorrow

Star 10/10

Today you could be handling some powerful, assertive personalities in your workplace. You might need to be extra patient with anyone who is trying to push your buttons! A gentle but firm posture will soon encourage them to tone it down, and then you can get things done!


career taurus weekly

Star 8/10

It\s important to explore all your options when facing obstacles on the job. If you stick with what\s expected or habitual, you may lose your effectiveness or influence. This is a good time for team efforts and networking to improve your situation. Give others any deserved recognition for their work. This period can be very busy with a variety of tasks or people who require extra patience and support.


career taurus monthly

Star 7/10

A collaboration will come to fruition on May 10. You and your partner will be able to seal an impressive deal. When asked who deserves the credit, you should share it equally. Your persistence combined with your associate\s insight allowed you to pull off a flawless performance. Join hands and take a bow. The closing days of May will give you a chance to increase your income. Working for a real estate or law firm could be highly profitable. Alternatively, you could sell your handiwork for an impressive sum. If you want to embark on a creative career, set your sights on May 25.

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It\s important to explore all your options when facing obstacles on the job. If you stick with what\s expected or habitual, you may lose your effectiveness or influence. This is a good time for team efforts and networking to improve your situation. Give others any deserved recognition for their work. This period can be very busy with a variety of tasks or people who require extra patience and support.


career taurus monthly

Star 7/10

A collaboration will come to fruition on May 10. You and your partner will be able to seal an impressive deal. When asked who deserves the credit, you should share it equally. Your persistence combined with your associate\s insight allowed you to pull off a flawless performance. Join hands and take a bow. The closing days of May will give you a chance to increase your income. Working for a real estate or law firm could be highly profitable. Alternatively, you could sell your handiwork for an impressive sum. If you want to embark on a creative career, set your sights on May 25.



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