The Berenstain Bears & Too Much Junk Food

The Berenstain Bears & Too Much Junk Food

Kindle Edition
27 Oct
Come for a visit in Bear Country with this classic First Time Book® from Stan and Jan Berenstain. Papa, Brother, and Sister are eating way too much junk food, and it’s up to Mama and Dr. Grizzly to help them understand the importance of nutritious foods and exercise. This beloved story is a perfect way to teach children about the importance of healthy eating and staying active.

Reviews (189)

A timeless, engaging, and wonderful book to teach children healthy eating habits

The fact that anyone was offended by this book and labeled it as “body shaming” is absurd and gives me great concern for the future of our country and the generation of children these reviewers are raising. This book does a wonderful job of explaining to young children why they should not eat junk food and should instead eat nutritious foods and exercise. Some reviewers pointed out a particular section, in which the mother calls the bears chubby, as offensive and detrimental to children’s body image. Frankly, this argument is ridiculous and it’s distressing that this book is being labeled as offensive and “cancelled”, when it should be heralded as required reading for children. The mother does point out the fact that the bears are getting chubbier, and this is the impetus for putting her children (and husband) on a diet, but this part is just one very small and benign part of the story. Further, it’s not wrong to teach children that they should not want to be fat! Being fat is not a good thing and it causes very negative, life-long health problems when developed during childhood. When did people’s overblown sensitivities take precedence over providing truthful information? Obesity is an enormous problem in our society and the cost of treating the health conditions that come with obesity literally gobble up billions of dollars a year that could otherwise go to other resources, like better public schools, stronger infrastructure, and better social programs. Not to mention, you feel better when you eat healthy and exercise and you feel poorly when you eat poorly and sit around all day! This book espouses common sense eating and lifestyle habits that every child (and adult) should follow. I highly recommend this book and my child absolutely loves it!

Outdated in So Many Ways

I ordered this book because I wanted something to help me with teaching my four-year-old about “sometimes foods.” I wanted something that promoted moderation with treats and the importance of healthy foods for growing bodies. Clearly I should have done more research. This book does not promote moderation or good health. It promotes body shaming and the importance of being thin. The mom doesn’t give the junk food a second thought until she notices her kids getting fat and becomes completely disgusted with them. She takes them to the doctor who agrees that they are fat and disgusting and even pinches the dad’s stomach fat (boundaries?!?!) to shame him for his weight as well. So they all get put on an exercise regimen (to be clear - the kids have to work out to lose weight, there’s nothing here about kids just playing and exercising because it’s fun) and a permanent diet. And they all got to a socially acceptable weight and never ate junk food again. The end. I threw this book in the trash. Please don’t buy it.

Not good for body image!!

I remembered this from childhood and bought it for my daughter who has a sweet tooth, hoping to help steer her toward healthy snacks. As I was reading to her I had to skip a lot of parts that seemed to focus on weight and the cubs looking big - I didn’t like the focus on their bodies, rather than health. My husband read it to her and didn’t edit, and later I broke out in a cold sweat when I saw my 3 yo looking dismayed and pinching her little baby tummy like the doctor does to papa bear!!! I struggled with body image and had brushes with anorexia as a teen and young adult, and I do NOT want to plant those seeds in my daughter’s mind at such a young age! We won’t be reading this again. We can work on healthy eating without the body shaming.

One of my son's favorite books

I bought this for my son (3 yrs.) to curb his poor eating habits before they truly get started. This turned out to be one of his favorite Berenstain Bears books. He loves the section where they examine each system within the body at the doctor's office, like the nervous system and the organs, and how good food affects each of these systems. He still enjoys his junk food, but he's not super crazy about it like the kids in this book are.

One of many cherished books from my childhood bought to share with my own children.

I bought this to share with my children ages 3 & 7 yrs and they love it just as much as I remember loving it. It's definitely nice to be able to share these types of things with them. There's always a good lesson in each of these books as well.

Just what my junk food fiend granddaughter needs ....

Perfect timing because she went to the dentist today for the first time. So now she can read about what all that junk food can do to her teeth.

Great stories for family lessons

This book by far is my most memorable and favorite book as a child. I only wish I had saved it, but I have repurchased this book to read to my son. The pictures are captivating and the storyline is entertaining. And it really is a life lesson that plagues families today. Great story 5 out of 5

Great book for your kids to learn from

All of the Berenstain books are so informative,educational, and most of all they are based upon Christian values. My 9 year old loves them all, he even watches their shows on YouTube😊I hope this helps someone

Great for kids!

My favorite children's book! The illustrations are delightful and the message is easy for children to understand.

Good morals, fun books

Love the Berenstein Bears! A classic! I had this when I was a kid and now my daughter loves it too. Love the morals in these stories.

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