Daily Libra Horoscope September 26 (26/09)


Sep 23 − Oct 22

Alias: Alias: The Scales

September 26


daily libra horoscope:

summary libra daily

Star 9/10

Doom-mongers have predicted for thousands of years that the end of the world is nigh. Its true that our planet will cease to exist when the Suns hydrogen fuel becomes depleted. It has used about half of its supply, which means its good for another 4.5 billion years or so. Now that weve confirmed the worst possible scenario we could ever experience will occur, how worried do you feel? Good! Neither should you focus so intently on something else that simply doesnt deserve such attention.


summary libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

We know how we must be in the right frame of mind or possess the right levels of energy before we can instigate awkward conversations. Thats why its so easy to put them off, believing the time isnt quite right to start something we know will test our effort and patience levels. The Moon is influencing your ability to communicate and helping to bring sensitivity and compassion to a particular discussion. Thats all that will be needed to get it underway.


summary libra weekly

Star 8/10

Astrology textbooks often portray Librans as indecisive. Were all indecisive at times, and the process of decision making often involves us being clear about what we know we dont want before deciding what we want. This is a process youre likely to experience this week. To determine what you want and action necessary to attain it, youll need to become aware of what you know you dont want. From there, the right steps forward are about to be taken.


summary libra monthly

Star 7/10

If anyone has been in awe of your ability to circulate or network in the past, then their jaws will drop when they see what youre capable of this month. Whether your efforts to connect are for business or pleasure, it could become clear that success isnt always about what you know but who you know! At least one person is intrigued by you and what you can offer in a particular way. If your desire to attract isnt focused on business or friendships but affairs of the heart instead, then this could be a very pleasing and memorable month in that respect, too!


health libra daily

Star 8/10

You may feel like friendship is the most important thing in life, and if this is true, you must be very careful about who your friends are. Communication will be greatly enhanced by keeping your thoughts to yourself until you are ready to voice them. Try thinking through your relationship issues at the gym and while you lift weights, or focusing on what you really want to say to someone while using the exercise machines. The truth will find its way to the surface.


health libra tomorrow

Star 7/10

Great understanding for others is the name of your game. With today\s aspect at play, you will be able to see even more clearly what others feel. One of your weaknesses, however, is not clearly knowing how you feel. This may sound strange, but try talking to someone about your own emotions, and you will find that the shoe doesn\t quite fit the other foot. One way to start tapping into your hidden feelings: keep a dream journal.


health libra weekly

Star 8/10

Make use of spiritually oriented techniques to enable you to stay in great shape and enjoy high levels of energy, too. Yoga is a spiritual discipline that can have a profoundly positive effect on your mind, emotions, and, in turn, your body. Similarly, tai chi helps to ward off illness by balancing the subtle energy flow in your body. If you feel drawn to trying something different, go for it.


health libra monthly

Star 10/10

With a focus on a subtle sector of your chart this month, you might find that one important thing you can do for your health and well-being is to release unwanted emotions. If past experiences or intense feelings are draining your energy, the cosmos encourages you to do whatever it takes to gently unravel them and let them go. You might also find that a spiritual practice like yoga, tai chi, or meditation can give you a feeling of inner balance and centeredness. Such subtle practices can be very important for keeping your physical body in good health, too.


love libra daily

Star 10/10

The energy of the day means that you can play one of your favorite games - the one where whatever your lover says, you take the totally opposite view. This is all right up to a point, but it can\t continue ad infinitum. If you can\t be anything but contrary, you may find yourself becoming more and more estranged, and that really would be such a shame for such a nice couple - wouldn\t it?


love libra tomorrow

Star 9/10

People accuse you of not being truly romantic. Yet today reveals that you do feel romantically inclined, especially toward a certain person. You just have a strange way of showing it. Instead of walking right up to them and saying how you feel, you ignore them. This does not help, except if you are skilled in telepathy, or out-of-the-body experiences.


love libra weekly

Star 9/10

Hopefully, your friends are looking out for you at the beginning of the week, because they can see things that youre immune to. You know that hottie whos been flirting with you lately? He or she may have deceptive motives that you just cant see. Compromise is a key component to successful dating later in the week, especially if youre on a date with someone you dont have much in common with. Giving in isnt the same thing as giving up.


love libra monthly

Star 7/10

A gentle Pisces full moon brings a quiet end to the lunar month on September 6, so getting closure on a past relationship is imminent. Although the breakups exact cause may remain a mystery, its nice not to obsess over it anymore. There is a comfortable balance when the sun visits Libra on September 22, so theres less urgency when it comes to finding romance. You feel very patient while you wait for your true love to arrive. The square between demonstrative Mercury and strong-willed Saturn muddies the dating waters on September 25, and your next step is undecided. Game players belong at the bottom of your priority list.


career libra daily

Star 10/10

Your powers of adaptability will be put to the test. Everyone is in some sort of \"mood\" and you will have to adjust yourself accordingly. If anyone can sort through this difficult minefield with ease, it is you. Have confidence in yourself.


career libra tomorrow

Star 10/10

You are in good favor with the people around you and others are willing to stand up in your behalf. Go ahead and speak your mind. Your emotional confidence is strong, leading to tremendous support in the workplace. Make your big move now.


career libra weekly

Star 8/10

Monday is a powerful day. You may set a goal that helps you outshine any competition. Be cautious about making assumptions. Things may not be as they appear. It\s best to be sure everyone is on the same page. Thursday and Friday are upbeat days. Make a resolution to be happy and see how much this influences the people around you. The weekend can bring surprising news that may change your career plans.


career libra monthly

Star 8/10

A big job will come to an end at the beginning of September, allowing you to take a much-needed vacation. Resist the urge to take on a new assignment as soon as the old one is finished. This leisurely full moon is urging you to take a break. Secret job talks could break down on or around September 20 due to a stressful new moon. A prospective customer who is unwilling to commit to a price point or sign a contract isnt worth your time. Walk away from this proposition. The last thing you want to deal with is someone who continually breaks promises.



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