Daily Leo Horoscope July 02 (02/07)


July 23 − Aug 22

Alias: Alias: The Lion

July 02


daily leo horoscope:

summary leo daily

Star 7/10

Lions, we know, enjoy viewing their kingdom from their lofty vantage point but there are times when they must join the pride and contribute knowledge, skills, experience and wisdom where each is needed. You appear to be expected to do something similar now. Be willing to collaborate and cooperate where you might have felt it more appropriate to dictate or instruct. A result you want to see happen relies entirely upon you getting your hands dirty as well as others.


summary leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

You might be aware of how you could appear selfish in the eyes of others by pursuing something that matters to you but there are benefits to you of doing whatever brings happiness or self-fulfillment. If you need to replenish your emotional reserves, ten taking time out to do what pleases you needs to be a priority. You can afford to step away briefly from something you feel compelled to keep constant control of.


summary leo weekly

Star 9/10

The sky speaks this week of your preparedness to be generous and supportive of a particular person. It also speaks of the possibility of you giving an inch and this individual choosing to take a mile, as the saying goes. Thats why you might need to be careful where generous gestures or actions are concerned. By all means, offer them but be aware of how quickly it could become apparent that someone is unlikely to reciprocate in a way you hoped they would.


summary leo monthly

Star 10/10

If youve felt detached from friends recently, then coming weeks offer superb opportunities to strengthen or form bonds. Any effort made to network or form new alliances will prove beneficial and productive. For some Leos, it might become apparent one friendship has potential to become something deeper. Tension on the work front could manifest around the Full Moon on the 9th but its nothing tact and diplomacy wont resolve. At month end, a surge of passion underpins a plan or project close to your heart. With your determination levels so high, success is assured!


health leo daily

Star 9/10

A harmonious environment is essential to your well-being. Taking care of this need means balancing your everyday life. And it can be such a pleasant undertaking! Home is the place where you retire and relax to recuperate from everyday stresses. So try to have the colors around you that appeal to you, the scents you enjoy, and the music you love, and your home will become the place of perfect bliss from which you venture into the world to be ready to face life\s challenges.


health leo tomorrow

Star 7/10

The day\s planetary energy can be of great benefit to you. The aspect at play asks you what you need to feel good, and helps you by highlighting the areas in life that matter to your health. The planets do not lie. They may make you see the world through rose-colored glasses at times, but they can also give you the facts of the matter in easy to understand terms. For instance: diet and exercise? Water as an element of life?


health leo weekly

Star 10/10

It\s time to focus on improving your overall level of fitness and health. Your only real danger is burnout. You could be so eager to make great progress as quickly as possible that you injure yourself. Take it easy and go one step at a time. This is the best way forward for the future.


health leo monthly

Star 10/10

Should you experience any symptoms at the start of the month or around the July 8 Full Moon, a visit to your health professional can help put your mind at ease. Its likely youll be extremely busy and in need of a break, so stress could play a factor in any health-related issue. Taking time out for yourself and mulling over your priorities may give you insights into what needs to change. On July 20, your vitality could increase by leaps and bounds when Mars (and later the Sun) enters your sign. You should find it easier to shake any mild infections or other issues.


love leo daily

Star 8/10

The current planetary alignment brings you a chance to explore your feelings and to deepen your relationship with a certain person. If you are going out on a date this evening, then you may well find yourself discussing metaphysical and spiritual subjects, and so broadening your understanding of these principles. There is something about your combined energies that brings out the adventurous side of you both.


love leo tomorrow

Star 8/10

The current astral environment implies that you may have more of a struggle than usual to get your message across to a loved one, or perhaps a potential partner. It may that a subtle fear of rejection is making it more difficult for you. But if you want them to know how you truly feel, then you will have to take that first step and say something.


love leo weekly

Star 10/10

Are you longing for an ex? Do you feel like you had the perfect relationship in the past, so it\s all downhill from here? It might not seem like it, but there are other people out there who are a good match. Get back in the dating game to see what you\re missing. A romantic mismatch can be unsatisfying over the weekend, but don\t give up just yet. You\re just getting started.


love leo monthly

Star 7/10

You have some interesting and novel ideas about romance during the Mercury/Uranus square on July 4, but you have trouble following through. Dont promise more than you can deliver, because giving a new romantic prospect the wrong idea will only lead to disappointment down the line. Youre particularly engaged during the Venus/Jupiter trine on July 18, and youre eager to try new things. As you welcome these experiences, try to let go of past negative ones. The Sun and Mars conjoin in Leo on July 26, giving you the courage to ask someone out again. If its no again this time, maybe you should move on.


career leo daily

Star 8/10

In order to get ahead in the workplace today, you will have to be more aggressive than usual. Feel free to raise your voice if that\s what it takes to get your point across. Assertive tactics may not be your style, but they certainly are effective.


career leo tomorrow

Star 9/10

Take careful notes today. If you are in a meeting with your boss and/or fellow co-workers, don\t be afraid to pull out a pad of paper and a pen. Be attentive. Many details will be discussed that you won\t want to forget. Write them down.


career leo weekly

Star 9/10

You could be buried under a pile of unnecessary papers or busywork. Do your best to simplify communication and cut back on the clutter in your life. Don\t be overwhelmed by your work. Make lists and cut things down into manageable sections. You\ll be more effective doing one thing at a time rather than scattering your attention. Keep your word in all circumstances. Personal integrity is something people admire and reward.


career leo monthly

Star 8/10

You will breathe a sigh of relief when you finish a demanding job around July 9. This is a cause for celebration. Because of your impressive performance on this assignment, youll get much better projects in the future. If youve outgrown your current job, take this chance to apply for a more prestigious one. An impressive company will be eager to welcome you aboard. July 23 allows you to showcase your creative ability. This is a great time to audition for a part, interview for a job, or enter a contest. Victory will be that much sweeter when you vanquish some highly talented rivals.



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